Friday, September 3, 2010

Where did this blog come from...

For several years now, I have had a bumper sticker on my car that has a black background in simple white letters that reads: "Love Wins."  It was what I felt summed up my belief in faith, God, life, relationships, etc.

As I am in youth ministry and now also in seminary, I have been spending a lot of time reflecting on all of my beliefs, and within understanding of it all has changed a bit.

I have known for some time that from scripture, life, God, OK well everything, that it all came down to one thing: LOVE.  Let me specify that this is not a romantic love, but rather a deep relationship, unselfish, sacrificial type of love. (See Jesus in scripture) 

With this understanding, I realize that within this world today just saying "LOVE" leaves a lot up to the imagination and so by adding another word it helps to guide the mind as to where to go.  This is where "Love Wins." came in.  I felt it help to specify the LOVE idea.

Love Wins is the idea that God is Love and in the end, Gods Wins, not only that but also that it wins in everything we do.

Now, as I have continued on my journey, I feel that LOVE still is the truth for it all, but "Wins." was lacking in helping to define the LOVE.  The problem with "Wins" is that it implies a loser and also a competition; neither of which fit the kind of love I am talking about. 

So, I needed to find another guiding word to point to the kind of LOVE I am referring to.  This is when I came upon the idea of "LOVE REDEEMS."  Still referring to the same LOVE, but having a better guiding word.  "REDEEMS" says it sets things right again, it builds up it doesn't tear down.  "REDEEMS" it what God is all about, and what Jesus did. 

I believe that this represents my understand on the Christian Faith, and the God whom we worship.  Join with me in stories of redemption, faith, love, and so much more....

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