Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Gungor's New CD...Ghosts Upon the Earth

Music is an amazing medium to communicate and connect to people.  It brings up feeling and emotion, joy and pain, memories and new ideas; music, good music, moves people.

Often times I find a song that I fall in love with and stay stuck on it for a day or two, and then I find another.  I really love it when the words and musicality work in perfect harmony, which doesn't always happen.

Well, I have been follow this band GUNGOR, whose music has a great combination of words and musicality; songs like Beautiful Things, People of God, and Cannot Keep You.

A little over a week ago, they released their newest CD: GHOSTS UPON THE EARTH.  I have to say I love this CD in its entirety.  I cannot stop listening to it all the way through, and then back again.  I have a couple other CDs I just bought, but I keep listening to this one.

I think that there are several factors that make this CD so amazing, inspiring, and moving.
LYRICS: This might be the most theologically sound, deep, and challenging CD in its entirety.  The flow of God's overarching story throughout is simply genius.
MUSIC: The words and musicality are like a beautiful dance throughout. There is this deep moving rhythm throughout the CD, and at points you notice it missing and then it is back better than ever (I can't really explain it better than that, you just need to get this CD.)

This is one of my favorite CDs I have ever purchased and I have a lot of music.  I highly recommend this for everyone; those in ministry, those in the church, and even those curious about faith.  I will leave you with the thought for the title, Ghosts Upon the Earth:

It is as if we always think about the spiritual as the ghostly and unreal, and that we are the real; but perhaps God and the spiritual are the real, and we are the ghosts upon the earth striving to be connected to realness...

Friday, September 9, 2011

God leans down to us...

I am very excited to have a new Common English Bible!  It is an amazing and refreshing new translation! Check out more about it here:

As I was at a Bible study last night, a scripture gave me a new image of how God relates to us when we are hurting.  Here is the passage:

Psalm 40:1-5 (Common English Bible)
I put all my hope in the LORD.
   He leaned down to me;
   he listened to my cry for help.
He lifted me out of the pit of death,
   out of the mud and filth,
   and set my feet on solid rock.
      He steadied my legs.
He put a new song in my mouth,
   a song of praise for our God.
Many people will learn of this
and be amazed;
   they will trust the LORD.
Those who put their trust in the LORD,
   who pay no attention to the proud
   or to those who follow lies,
   are truly happy!
You, LORD my God!
   You’ve done so many things—
   your wonderful deeds
   and your plans for us—
      no one can compare with you!
   If I were to proclaim
   and talk about all of them,
      they would be too numerous
      to count!

Looking at the phrase “He leaned down to me, he listened to my cry for help”, I get this great image of a parent with their child walk together, when the child starts to cry.  The parent stops, bends down to the child’s level, and listens and then comforts them.  It is a beautiful example of how God works! 

May you know that God is walking with you in life, and leans down to you, and listens to you when you cry for help.